Apr 15, 2011

3 Weeks and 1st Retightening

Three weeks and still loving it! I had my first retightening Tuesday. My consultant cut some more of the ends. Running late for work after getting it done. I turned the flat iron on low and bumped the ends. Ended up not having to go in early for work so I rolled it. After the retightening I've gotten more compliments than when I first got it done. To me it just looks stringy.

Before Retightening

Headband Before Retightening.

Back w/headband

Close before

2nd banding

Back 2nd banding

SL Shampoo (I know too much)

After retightening (looks like I've been dancing all night  and my hair fell :0P

Side after retightening

Side twisted lightly

Stray in the front lol

Side with twist

You can tell how loose it is by looking at the bottom two rows