Apr 17, 2011

Random Thoughts

The older it gets the more I love it.The first time I counted I came up with 300 the last time I washed I came up with 446! Ummm...yeah.....sooooo....I still don't know how many I have. LOL  I keep my hands in my heas ALL the time. By the time I reach the end of the week my head is really itching. I'm used to washing every three days. I like how my hair is beginning to look more like locks. I'm loving the stares I get from people trying to figure out what it is...too funny. If they don't ask I don't tell. I've become more aware of people with locks. They are some beautiful locks out there and some...not so healthy looking ones. I find myself starting up conversations with random people who have locks! So far other than my consultant I've only seen one person with Sisterlocks. I've been in cleaning my three "hair" shelves in my bathroom, giving and throwing products and accessories (with teeth) away.

Apr 15, 2011

3 Weeks and 1st Retightening

Three weeks and still loving it! I had my first retightening Tuesday. My consultant cut some more of the ends. Running late for work after getting it done. I turned the flat iron on low and bumped the ends. Ended up not having to go in early for work so I rolled it. After the retightening I've gotten more compliments than when I first got it done. To me it just looks stringy.

Before Retightening

Headband Before Retightening.

Back w/headband

Close before

2nd banding

Back 2nd banding

SL Shampoo (I know too much)

After retightening (looks like I've been dancing all night  and my hair fell :0P

Side after retightening

Side twisted lightly

Stray in the front lol

Side with twist

You can tell how loose it is by looking at the bottom two rows

Apr 6, 2011

Two Weeks!

My Sisterlocks are two weeks old! My feelings???? STILL loving them. I roll the ends and go a two without doing anything other than taking my bonnet off and fluffing! Ha! Sooo loving it! YES! I have hand in hair diease! I've gotten a lot of compliments and questions. Most ppl think they're "little" braids. The most irksome comment that I've heard more than once- "I could have did that for you." Yeah? Really?
I banded and washed my hair yesterday with the Sisterlocks Starter Shampoo. I don't think I banded right. I didn't put the rubber band on where the locks stopped on all of them. I was in another world when that water hit my scalp! I thought I was going to go crazy not being able to wash my hair. I washed four times. I attempted to count when taking the bands down but lost count several times. At best I can say 300 give or take a few. I'll try again next week.

Finally covered the scalp lol

Hiyoudoin?! LOL No, I was not drunk.
My 1st attempt at banding without a mirror. I went back and made smaller sections and made sure the ends were tucked.